A mental model for promise chains and error handling, adapted to javascript promises. This post is entirely based on the post and talk Railway Oriented Programming by Scott Wlaschin.
I am quite fascinated with our tendency to focus on the happy code path, which often leaves error handling as an afterthought. It always bothered me, and with the recent popularization of functional programming techniques I think I have finally found a mental model for error handling that I like. It’s the either monad!
As it turns out, promises in Javascript are quite analogous to the Either monad. If you have no idea what that means, I hope the Railway analogy will help you as it did me.
Most functions that are doing external calls like HTTP requests, file system operations or runtime validation will have at least two different outputs: a success case and an error case.
function generateProfit() {
.then(profit => {
// Get the result (success case)
.catch(error => {
// And of course handle the errors:
console.error('This shouldn\'t happen');
By going with the railway analogy, we have an error track and a success track, or “the happy path”.
Image sourced from Railway Oriented Programming.
With promises, I suppose the error track also works as a guard rail. No errors will escape the promise,
whether intended or accidental such as type errors.
So be careful about always adding a catch
on the end of your tracks, or the payload may never be seen again!
Well… this is not quite true in modern browsers, Chrome and Node recently started warning about
unhandled promise rejections,
but in other environments the error might just get swallowed.
I like using eslint-plugin-promise to get some static analysis help for those cases.
An Express(JS) Railway example!
Consider each function a separate piece of railway. Validate will be the starting point. Consider this example signup route for an ExpressJS application:
function signup(req, res, next) {
.then(() => {
res.sendStatus(200); // success!
// Main error track
.catch(error => {
// The same error could have multiple representations:
if (error.error) { // debug info
res.status(error.status || 500).send(error.message); // nice user error
Which is composed of two steps; different variations of promise functions with error handling.
Validate is a synchronous function, but returns a promise to get our railway started. If the request is valid, the request follows the happy path to continue signup.
function validate(req) {
if (req.body.email !== 'foo@awesomesauce.com') {
return Promise.reject(statusError(400, 'Invalid email'));
return Promise.resolve(req);
Signup is more complicated, we can get all kinds of errors back from the database, and all kinds of errors back from the smtp server. To the user they are all the same, so we can combine these two steps into one with a more general error, and keep the details for our internal logger.
function updateDB(req) {
return User.create({email: req.body.email})
.catch(error =>
// Assume it's a database error
// Let's map this to an HTTP 500
Promise.reject(statusError(500, 'Unable to create user', error)
function sendEmail(user) {
return smtp.sendMail(user.email, 'Welcome to awesomesauce!')
.catch(error =>
// SMTP error
Promise.reject(statusError(500, 'Unable to send email', error)
function createUserFlow(req) {
return updateDB(req)
// Error path
.catch(error =>
// What does this failure mean to the user?
Promise.reject(statusError(500, 'Unable to complete signup', error))
works to connect the happy path of one function with another. We could write a
compose function for promise functions like so:
function compose(...fns) {
return x => {
let res = Promise.resolve(x);
fns.forEach(f => {
res = res.then(f);
return res;
In standard terminology our compose function is normally called pipe
, since it applies its
functions from left to right, just like an unix pipe ps | grep node
Pipe / compose lets us define the flow of data as a composition of .then
s, which can now be
considered a single piece of track:
// req -> bool
const createUserFlow = compose(updateDB, sendEmail);
// req -> bool
const requestHandler = compose(validate, createUserFlow);
Validate is req -> req
, so we can compose (or connect in rail terms) to get one operation.
Caveats: Promise.catch
will … catch the rejection, unless you explicitly reject the promise
To be fair this is not entirely a 1:1 mapping to the railway concept. We have only really done a happy-path connector. There is not really a nice way to write the function that handles both cases in javascript, since F# as a proper functional language relies on types and pattern matching. If you feel like this is not enough, you can use regular composition and write functions that take promises in, and return promises. That way you can handle both rejection and resolve cases.
// Standard compose
function composeAll(...fns) {
return x => fns.reduce(
(res, f) => f(res),
const toReject = p => p.then(x => Promise.reject(x));
const toSuccess = p => p.catch(x => x);
const tap = fn => p => p.then(x => { fn(x); return x; });
// Swap back and forth
tap(console.log), // skipped
tap(console.log) // foo
With a more FP heavy approach, javascript could become much closer to the original concept with monads and pattern matching. Despite its shortcomings I still find the railway model a useful way to think about error handling with promise chains in Javascript.
If you want to up your game you should check out some of the articles that inspired this post:
Posted in Programming with : FP, Promises